
Application Level Screening

November 10, 2023

KYC Portal CLM integrates with third parties that provide screening data relating to political exposure, adverse media and sanctions. It is up to the client to decide which third parties to integrate with their KYCP allowing them to keep their existing contracts in place. Such integration with KYCP leads to a lot of business benefit as well as room for efficiencies and automated processes to reduce risk exposure.

At any point in time, a user in KYCP can trigger a manual search with the respective third parties to retrieve instant results on a subject. Through the same interface and without the need to input any data, the system will return the results to the user, allowing them to process the matches and no matches on the results. All of these actions are instantly audited within the application including the user who conducted the search, date and time, search criteria as well as any results returned.

The system also allows for automation on the type of matches being done. Based on the criticality or type of match the solution allows you to tweak the lifecycle, assign the application to specific teams, increase risk, trigger enhanced due diligence and also instantly communicate with internal systems for immediate action on application data. This is used to reduce the risk exposure to the instant that the organisation is indeed exposed to risk.

The solution also conducts the ongoing monitoring, once again based on the internal preferences of the compliance team. One can enable daily monitoring on all subjects however, for efficiency purposes the solution allows the compliance team to reduce the amount of false positives and decisions to be taken whilst never exposing the organisation to risk. This is done based on configuration rules such as having the high-risk subjects monitored daily, whilst the low risk subjects automatically re-searched every 90 days. Such setting can also be set based on the type of entities, the status of the application as well as based on the value of specific fields.

This new feature is focused on providing an even more streamlined approach to searching subjects within an application rather on a one-by-one basis. Applications tend to be made up of several entities. Some applications can run into hundreds of entities. Conducting searching on a one-by-one basis is time consuming.

The application level screening feature allows you to click on the SCREENING TAB whilst having the APPLICATION node selected. This will give you the overview of all subjects in the application as can be seen in the below image. For each, it will show the status of searching as well as any results. This is a summary of all screening results and decisions taken within the application.

 KYC Portal CLM - GRC automation
Within this panel there is a new button called SEARCH SELECTED. This feature will submit all of the selected entities in this panel for a forced search. Meaning the user can trigger a search on all of the subjects in this application.
KYC Portal CLM - GRC automation 
Once submitted the solution will place all the subjects for search, which search will happen in the background. The solution will then return the results for all the subjects as it normally does, as part of the audit of each subject. 



KYC Portal CLM - GRC automation 
Refreshing this tab for the application level will also refresh the results based on the asynchronous search that is happening on all the subjects in the background.
KYC Portal CLM - GRC automation 
For more information, contact us directly on or schedule your live demo with us today. If you are an existing client and you would like more information about this feature, please contact our CRM Team. 
Targeted For Screening across entire application
Status LIVE
Keywords screening, streamlined, multiple entities
Direct Benefits Ability to trigger a search on multiple entities in a structure