
Custom Application Export Reporting Templates

April 25, 2024

The concept of an APPLICATION in KYC Portal is the living case file of a client or counterparty. This is the record that is created at onboarding stage and updated in real time all throughout the ongoing lifecycle with a subject, centralising the entire governance, risk and control (GRC) process of a subject.

One of the current features in the product is the ability to EXPORT the application and all its data to PDF. This allows you to take a snapshot in time of all elements within the application. This module allows you to decide which aspect of the application to export such as documents, notes, fields and questionnaires and you can also set whether to export the application-level data only or else even the details of all the related parties within the application.

Whilst the above is a standard EXPORT to PDF, regulatory requirements often require a pre-defined layout of report grouping information based on the expectation of the regulator. Also, the pre-defined reporting layouts vary between the reporting requirement itself as well as the regulations in question. Based on market demand this new feature allows us to design custom reporting templates for the EXPORT feature of the application. In which case the user would be able to choose which style of EXPORT they can perform.

This feature adds a new module in the PROGRAMMES section of KYCP called Export Templates. A module that allows the configuration team to design new templates and manage existing ones.

Regulatory Reporting GRC and AML

This module allows us to create and design the layout of the report and also add rules and logic within the export function. This includes scenarios such as the following:
  • Create sections and headers in the report
  • Group the presentation of data based on the type of entity (example, have one section in the report showing all the legal entities in the application and all the entities of type individual showing in a different section)
  • Having the fields show in the report based on the Entity name (example, grouping all Directors in one section of the report separate from the Shareholders)
  • Decide which keynames to show in the report at entity level
  • Decide which entities to show in the report based on the value of a keyname (example, only if the keyname storing the percentage shareholding is greater than 25)


Once the templates are created the solution will present the option of being able to choose which format to export the application to. Once the selection is done the system will generate the PDF report in the requested layout.

For more information, contact us directly on or schedule your live demo with us today. If you are an existing client and you would like more information about this feature, please contact our CRM Team.
Targeted For Designing Custom Report Templates
Status LIVE
Keywords regulatory reporting, GRC, AML
Direct Benefits Ability to design custom export layouts at application level for regulatory reporting requirements