
New Scoring Method – Maximum Entity Risk Band

January 23, 2023

KYC Portal CLM comes packaged with 15 risk algorithms. These algorithms were built based on client demand catering for all our clients across the globe, working in different industries and operating in over 18 jurisdictions. The risk algorithms address the specific requirements of all our clients yet we keep adding new risk models when a client does it in a slightly different manner.

The current algorithms vary in the way risk is calculated, grouped or summed up across entities and related parties. We have some risk models that work on the average such as “Maximum Category Average”, the “Average Category Average with Weights” and many more. Some models of risk work based on a combination of average and maximum scores such as the “Maximum Category Average Score”.
KYC Portal CLM 

KYC Portal CLM allows you to setup the risk algorithm model to be different across programmes, allowing for use cases where your risk perception varies between one product/service and another.

All of these risk models however allow clients to have the full flexibility of defining and managing all risk parameters, weights, risk categories, bands as well as rules of permutations giving you full flexibility to manage your version of KYC Portal CLM based on latest requirements.

This new feature is delivering yet another risk model as part of the product offering called the “Maximum Entity Risk Band”. This scoring method is only available at Application Level (meaning the entire counterparty with all the related parties). This algorithm assesses the scores of all the entities (related parties) within the application (including the root entity itself). This algorithm picks the highest scored entity within the application, takes the equivalent band score (example HIGH) based on your configuration, and displays that band as the score of the entire Application.

As an example. You set the risk brackets in KYC Portal CLM as per following.
  • Low 0 – 30
  • Medium 31 - 80
  • High 81 - 100
If you have an application with the following entities in the structure and their respective scores:
Company A (Root Entity) with score of 25% (Low risk band)
  • UBO 1 with score of 20% (Low risk band)
  • UBO 2 with score of 85% (High risk band)
The Application Score would be High (as UBO 2 has the highest score out of all the entities and it has a High band score).
For more info contact us directly at or schedule your live demo with us today.
Targeted For New Risk Algorithm
Status LIVE
Keywords CRA, Risk Assessment, KYC, AML
Direct Benefits Ability to automate risk assessments based on tailored and fully dynamic configuration