risk management solutions, compliance solution, kyc verification - KYC Portal CLM


Intelligent, user-centric notifications are central to the key features within KYCP. Alerts are received at home screen level and via email (when determined through administrative settings) for a variety of updates on the status of applications.

Intelligent, Granular Notifications

Ongoing scheduled verifications of all subjects are a mandated requirement, both at regulatory level as well as being an essential deterrent against unwarranted exposure to risk.

In practice, despite countless specialised resources being dedicated to assessing all customer records, the process is, by virtue of its complexity and size, often incomplete and at best inconsistent.

KYC Portal transforms the need for ongoing reviewing to a mere formality thanks to user-centric notifications delivered at home screen level and via email which are triggered by changes in the status of applications.

Regulatory Update Alerts
KYCP allows for the ongoing update and modification of parameters and fields, covering both changes to internal policies as well as regulator-imposed requirements. In the event of mandatory additional data being required, the platform will analyse all applications on record and alert on all instances where the applicable required data is missing.
Document Expiry
Regulatory requirements and internal operational policies dictate different life spans for the validity of documents ahead of their natural expiry dates. KYCP allows the manual setting of time-to expiry spans, and automatically notifies authorised users.
Application Due for Review
Depending on the nature of the industry and internal procedures, vetted applications will require periodic reviews for ongoing assessment and confirmation. Administrators can set application lifespans notifying authorised users ahead of review date.
Scoring Limits Exceeded
Each programme type can be set to notify authorised staff should a maximum scoring threshold be exceeded. This feature is essential should past approved applications suddenly experience a change in overall assessment, as may be due to changes in risk appetite, overall scoring mechanisms or variations in customer data.
Critical Fields Modified
Entities within each application can be assigned fields labelled as “critical” that will automatically alert authorised users should any value within these fields change. Should for instance an applicant’s country of domicile be critical to the risk management process, upon a change in the applicant’s field following approval, any application the entity appears under will be flagged in the notifications panel and via email for instant review.
Automated Screening Alerts
In the event that information screening services integrated with KYCP flag any change in an applicant subject’s status, any current or past applications the entity appears under will recursively be flagged for immediate reassessment by authorised users.
Transaction Anomaly
In the event of a preset variation in the expected behavior patterns in customer deposits and withdrawals within the transaction monitoring tool, KYC Portal flags the anomaly in real time, instantly querying suspicious behaviour ahead of potential fraud and unwarranted risk.
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