risk management solutions, compliance solution, kyc verification - KYC Portal CLM

Embedded Face-to-Face Video Interviews

Fully embedded proprietary video conferencing module, with instant recording for playback purposes and integrated facial recognition.

The peace of mind and comfort afforded by remote, yet face-to-face, customer interviews

Face-to-face interviews with subjects being assessed play a key part for Enhanced Due Diligence processes. This, however, is often not possible due to operational, geographical or time constraints.

KYCP includes a gamechanging, proprietary embedded video conferencing solution, with automatic recording. Through a system-generated secure link with a calendarised date and time invite, a full, in-person interview can be carried out on any internet enabled device to further augment the validity of the due diligence process.

As with all interactions on KYCP, all recordings are fully included in the end-of-process audit trail, stored using secure encryption and cannot be accessed directly, modified or tampered with.

As an integral part of the customer identification and due diligence process, KYCP enables the ulterior verification of a subject’s identity by comparing photographs from a variety of identity documents submitted as part of the on-boarding process with footage recorded during the face-to-face interview using the embedded video technology present within the platform.

Going above and beyond the existing regulatory requirements, this feature provides the ulterior security against potentially fraudulent applicants, and further allowing additional discovery through the overview dashboard, in cases of multiple application attempts, even across geographically remote offices, or when utilising aliases or variants of the official identity.

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UK: +44 (0) 114 392 0015
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