risk management solutions, compliance solution, kyc verification - KYC Portal CLM
Apart for the standard offering of having KYCP installed on premise within your own local infrastructure or your Cloud subscription, we are now offering KYC Portal as Software as a Service (SaaS).

As from the day we launched our product on the market back in February 2017 in London, we have always stuck to the approach of offering KYC Portal on premise. The client who is purchasing our solution would need to have the environment / setup to be able to host the platform. This could be both on a local infrastructure of physical servers and / or virtual machines as well as if it was on the Cloud subscription that the client already owns and manages.

Important to highlight that this new SaaS offering will not replace the on-premise option. On premise remains one of our biggest asks by various clients worldwide. The SaaS option is now also available for those clients who do not want to hassle with maintaining their own infrastructure.
Kristoff Zammit Ciantar
Founder / CEO

There are various reasons why clients opt to have KYCP installed within their local environment or owned subscriptions. Some boil down to internal business decisions such as more control and ownership whilst others are purely regulatory requirements. This is an offering which usually resonates with larger institutions whereby they already have both the infrastructure as well as the teams to support such an environment in place thus making the offering more appeasing.

Over the past months however, we have decided to embark on this new offering and give the full package to clients who do not want to own and manage / maintain infrastructure. This allows such clients to focus on the product and the benefits it brings to the table without adding any other hardware and maintenance related processes.

The SaaS offering will be over Microsoft Azure, whereby the KYCP which is bought by the client would be hosted on an Azure Cloud subscription for the specific client. Our team would be dedicated in building and managing the environment as well as the resources to run your KYC Portal.

However, we wanted to go a step further.

Our product is one of the most versatile and dynamic products on the market. We did not want to limit ourselves by the underlying infrastructure. We shall be offering each client opting for SaaS to decide the actual requirements / configuration of their subscription and underlying resources.
Ivan Bonello
Co-Founder / CTO

A client can increase the number of environments, define resources based on type of expected usage, decide if their instance of KYCP should be siloed on a separate subscription or shared, define the location of the storage and much more. It’s similar to setting up your own subscription however being bought and maintained on your behalf.

For more information, contact us directly on If you are an existing client and you would like more information about this feature, please contact our CRM Team.
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UK: +44 (0) 114 392 0015
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